Tips for Hot Brush Newbies

by Anjelina Tongco

Hot brushes, also known as thermal brushes, are a godsend for busy women who barely have the time to dry, brush and style their hair in the mornings. It’s an all-in-one tool that can be used on most hair types for quick and easy styling. Like most heat styling tools, hot brushes come in a variety of sizes. The smaller ones are for people with short and/or thin hair while the bigger ones are made for people with long and/or thick hair. Hot brushes look just like regular brushes. They work almost the same way, too, except that hot brushes would have to be plugged in for them to work. Here are a few tips for hot brushing newbies. 

  1. Clean your hot brush - yes, cleaning your thermal brush is a must to keep it in tiptop shape and working the way it should. To clean it, you just need to remove the hairs stuck on your brush and wipe it down with a damp cloth, making sure to get in between the bristles. 
  2. Use on damp hair - unless your hot tool is specifically made for wet hair, you should always wait until your hair is damp before you start styling. Damp hair also gives better results so towel dry it if you’re in a hurry or let it air dry if you have time until it’s about 70% to 80% dry before running your hot brush through. 
  3. Use a heat protectant spray - worried about damaging your hair with heat? Don’t sacrifice your style and use a heat protectant instead! A lot of people don’t use their hot brush on their hair long enough because they’re afraid it’s too hot for the hair and could damage it which means they’re not getting the full effect. Style your hair to your heart’s content and be protected by using a heat protectant spray first. 
  4. Use the right size - Like curling irons and hot rollers, you can get hot brushes in different sizes so you can create more natural-looking hairstyles. If you’re looking to get more body volume, go for ones with a bigger barrel like this. If you’re looking to get more volume from the roots, however, your best bet would be to use a smaller one like this.  
  5. Work slowly - the best way to get good results is to work your way slowly through your hair with a hot brush. Part your hair in sections and slowly work your way from top to bottom of each section for optimal results. 

Looking for a hot brush to add to your hair styling tools collection? Check out these ones from Salonbar and take your pick!